Check the Thunder Facebook page for the latest posts!
Mark your calendar for 2020 tryouts!
Tryouts scheduled for October 15 - 19, 2020.
The South Charlotte Thunder will have the following teams this season:
Middle school girls
Middle school boys
JV boys
Varsity boys
Tryouts for the 2020 - 2021 season will be held at the Providence Road Church of Christ.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Girls middle school: 4pm - 5pm
Boys (middle school, JV, and varsity): 5pm - 7:30pm
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Girls middle school: 3pm - 4pm
Boys (middle school, JV, and varsity): 4pm - 6:30pm
Monday, October 19, 2020
Girls middle school: 4pm - 5pm
Boys (middle school, JV, and varsity): 5pm - 7:30pm
A few extra rules due to the COVID related restrictions:
Must wear a mask when on the sidelines
Socially distance
Utilize the hand sanitizers that will be available.
Hope to see you there!
Forms for 2020 - 2021 Season
The information below will guide you through the registration process.
The South Charlotte Thunder Mandatory Informational Workshop for players and parents will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2020 (time TBD) at the Providence Road Church of Christ 4900 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226
The following is due before October 22, 2020 for each player:
The following items are due on October 22, 2020 for each player:
Physical Exam/Questionnaire (PDF) to be completed by the player's doctor
Player fees (see checklist above for dollar amounts)
Junior/Senior Declaration (see checklist above for details)
The following items are due on October 22, 2020 for each new player:
Bring birth certificate to show
Dates for the donation letter project will be posted soon.
Open gyms are back!
Open gyms will be held in September and early October 2020
The current plan is to host open gym and skill development sessions three times a week at the Providence Road Church of Christ:
Mondays 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Thursdays 5:00 - 7:30 pm
These sessions are open to Thunder players and Charlotte area homeshool students interested in playing basketball for the South Charlotte Thunder. Extra hours may be added for the new Thunder girls basketball team. Please email the athletic director, Mr. Jewel Abbott, at for more details.
A few extra rules due to the COVID related restrictions:
Must wear a mask when on the sidelines
Socially distance
Utilize the hand sanitizers that will be available.
Hope to see you there!
2019 State Champion Ring Ceremony
Celebrating the Thunder varsity's 2019 NCHEAC championship
Members of the 2019 NCHEAC boys varsity championship team gathered at halftime of the Thunder home season opener on November 22, 2019 for a championship ring ceremony. Thunder alumni Micah Johnson, Kamin Bond, and Timothy Johnson returned for this special occasion.
Past news: